I hope everyone is still enjoying their summer, although I know some schools are ready to start classes next week. I have 4 days before inservice begins, counting today. This year we have 5 days of inservice! I can't believe that. Most years we generally get 1-3 days. I have started going in to fix up my room. That is a sure sign summer is almost over for me.
I have taken full advantage of my summer break this year. One of the projects I worked on was a math resource bundle. Every year, I tell myself that I need materials that I can pull out and use with students when they are struggling and need a little extra "something," especially in this day and age of varying academic levels. I had 30 students in my classes last year and I honestly believe each student had a different academic and learning level, especially in my inclusion classroom where I had the extremely gifted students to the lowest functioning students all in one classroom.
It gets difficult at times to cater to all student needs. I wanted to create something that would make my job a little easier and less stressful for both student and teacher. There are times when a child needs a number line to help with addition or subtraction. When teaching an algorithm, the procedure must be learned. If a child doesn't know his or her addition or multiplication facts, you might as well forget the algorithm. A number line, addition facts table, or a multiplication facts table would be a good resource to use while learning the algorithm. A multiplication or addition grid would be awesome for aligning numbers. Many times the problem is missed at the very end because the numbers aren't aligned. Sometimes a place value chart is needed for a student to find the worth of a number or how many times larger a number is in one place compared to another place.
Let's not forget the students who do not need to wait around while help is being given to other students. Although the resources are just that, (not a lesson), a teacher could use the mini-posters and other resources to guide a student who needs acceleration.
Many of the resources can also go right into an interactive notebook for all students. Use these alone or with other interactive pages.
The math resource bundle meets common core meets standards for grades 2-5. Why the wide range of grades? Remember there are a wide range of abilities in a classroom. Sometimes I have to go back and teach subtraction to some students, while others are ready to move on to division. I included this wide variety of resources to help with the different needs of students. It might also be useful in other grades!
(Click on any of the pictures below
to visit my store and view
more information about
There are 286 pages in this large bundle!
Below is just a sampling of the resources.
My main question when deciding how to set up the math resource bundle was where to store everything so that the resources were at my fingertips during class. Time is so important and I didn't want to spend valuable minutes searching for a resource to help a child. I planned two ways that I felt was best for setting up my resources. I wanted to share these with you. These are only examples of how the resources could be set up. Every teacher has his or her own way of doing things. :)
Example 1: A Math Resource Notebook
I have included cover pages and spines, (colored and b/w), in case anyone wanted to make a math resource notebook. I also included divided pages, (colored and b/w).
I also included divider pages, (colored and b/w)
for the notebook. I also opted to use tabs with
my notebook. I used the large plastic tabs.
This way I can use normal tabs
behind them. (See next picture.)
I used "normal" sized tabs behind each main large plastic tab so that I can get even more specific. The tabs that are shown here are for standards NBT. These are simply examples. The notebook can be
set up any way.
The "normal" tabs could be as simple as sticky tabs.
The math resource bundle includes many items that can be cut and handed out just as a resource to be given back to the teacher, or to be kept or glued into an interactive notebook. It is always a good idea to laminate resources that a child will use and give back to a teacher. I have pre-cut many of my resources and have placed them in organizers in the notebook. Below is an example of a plastic tab with included pockets. I love these! You can purchase them about anywhere that sells office supplies. I found these really cool double pocket tabs at Office Depot. Walmart sells the plastic single pocket tabs.

I truly love plastic pencil pouches! (These pouches were $0.47 at Wal-Mart.) Warning: If you live in N.W. Georgia, you may have trouble finding these, since I took all the clear plastic ones I could get my hands on!) They are convenient for so many things. I have copied and cut many of the resources in the bundle and put them in pouches and placed them in the correct sections of the notebook for easy access.
I am also using plastic folders.
These go right into the resource notebook.
Purchased at Office Depot.
Example 2: Fold - N- Go
This file is a thirty-one bag with a fold and go container. This would be great for inclusion teachers, or any teachers on the go! A draw in a file cabinet, or plastic crate would work just as well. (I love plastic crates too. Another warning: If looking for hot pink plastic crates at Wal-Mart, good luck, since I have already been shopping for mine!) :)
The one thing I don't like about the fold-n-go, (it's actually called a Fold N' File in the thirty-one catalog), is that the top part where you place hanging files is cloth.
Really? Now cloth sides just don't work with hanging files. If you plan on ever using a Fold N' File, I have included a little tip for the sides of the bag.
Remember those report covers most of us used in school...well, the plastic sliding bar is really good at strengthening the sides of the folder file. It attaches to the sides and provides a slick surface for sliding hanging files. I measured and cut one sliding bar in half and place the 2 pieces on the side of the file folder. I could not find these at Wal-Mart, but, Office Depot came through once again.
Next, I labeled and added hanging file folders. Any type of file folder will do! I saw these bright ones at Office Depot and about fainted I loved them so much! They have regular folders to match them. The OCD in me was so happy! Of course, you can label them with whatever you need. I wanted to add a problem-solving section since the math resource bundle includes problem-solving along with the regular common core standards.
Next, I labeled and placed regular
folders into each hanging file.
Once again, the choice of labels
is totally up to each teacher.
Next comes my favorite part...filling the folders. I placed papers that had not been cut, along with papers I had already cut in the folders. Placing the cut papers into a plastic pencil pouch and sticking these down in the folder works great!
The full sheet resources below are in plastic covers, (Project-View Folders), so that multiple pages can be organized together in one folder. A paper clip will do the same job.
The plastic Project-View folders mentioned above.
Below are some of the ways I organized
during the school year. Many of these
organizers can also be used in a notebook.
Each of these organizers was purchased at
Office Depot, except for the plastic
pouches, (Wal-Mart). Just slip these
organizers into a hanging file
and you are ready!
This is actually an enclosed file.
It would also be good for storing small items
or papers that have been pre-cut.
Added extras:
If you are a traveling on-the-go teacher,
you might want one of these! It is a clear plastic organizer, (Project Case), that goes
on hanging file containers!
Oh my goodness!
(Office Depot)
Or... how about a hanging file
expanding zipper pouch.
(Office Depot)
(With the hanging plastic project
case and zipper pouch.)
Finished project sitting in the thirty-one bag. This is a zippered thirty-one bag. I just flipped the zipper part down because I don't want to use it. Again, I am not promoting thirty-one bags, (or Office Depot) :). Hanging files can be used in anything that supports a place for the hanging files to slide.
I am so excited to use these math resources with my kids this year! I believe that it will make a difference in my classroom or I wouldn't have spent my summer creating them. It doesn't matter how they are organized, as long as the resources are used to help children learn. That's what is important!
I hope everyone has a great school year! Yes, I am jealous if you do not go back until September! :)